Picasa helps you find, edit and share all the images on your computer. Each time you open Picasa, it automatically locates all of your pictures (even ones you forgot you had) and sorts them into visual albums organized by date with folder names you may recognize.
Picasa is an application, which helps you to instantly find, edit and share all of the pictures on your PC. Picasa is configured to automatically locate all your pictures and then sorts them into. 'Picasa not allowed on my Mac' marinsky2 May 29, 2011 / Version: Picasa Oct 11, 2019 How to Run 32-Bit Apps in macOS Catalina.
For Mac OS X 10.4.9 or higher.
NewsIt includes the new face recognition system and batch tagging.
It’s possible to simplify the process of sharing the brightest moments of your life. In fact, you can organize, preview, and share photos using a single software - Picasa. It’s a digital platform for photo management, developed by Lifescape and acquired by Google. The tool has a web version, as well as a native Windows and Mac OS X applications. The interfaces of both versions are similar including their functionalities. You can upload a picture, perform basic editing, organize files in folders, preview, and share them with friends.
Firstly, Picasa allows you to use the tracking and importing features, such as adding tags, applying facial recognition, and managing complex folders. On top of that, the editing capacities exceed that of a built-in manager’s functionality. You can crop and rotate pictures, change image proportions, remove red-eyes effect, enhance colors, adjust brightness and contrast, add text, and perform a whole bunch of other operations.
Also, Picasa has a built-in system of keyword manager. By automatically attaching picasa.ini files to each file, the software manages pictures with the Information Interchange Model. These keywords can be read by Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, Adobe Bridge, digiKam, iPhoto, and Aperture.
Picasa views all your uploaded files as a library where you can search for files, based on tags, description, and file name. Just enter a request into the search bar and wait for the tool to analyze folder names, captions, tags, and filenames. Also, the ‘Search’ feature has a unique possibility. You can search for files by color - just enter the color operator for a particular shade - and the software will find pictures with all related color schemes. For instance, if you are looking for the pictures with the seaside, chances are, they contain various shades of blue. Just select various blue colors in the search manager and wait for the result.
One of the most important features of the tool is the automatic creation of backup copies. When you modify an image, the change overwrites the original file. However, the original picture will be automatically turned into a backup file that can be accessed anytime in a separate folder.
Even though your computer most likely has a built-in image preview, it’s not nearly as functional as Picasa. If a built-in manager only allows you to preview files from storage, perform really simple editing, an save the output files, Picasa expands this functionality to an entirely new level. However, Google ceased the support of this tool in 2015 which means, you can still download the native application but using the web version will be impossible.
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An easy to navigate image viewing software that supports numerous file formats
A fast, complex and powerful photo manager to consider
A simple image editor with ready-to-use filters and pre-made editing toolsets
Preview, edit, and export your images in a user-friednly image viewer
A manager for resizing, cropping, and editing images